
Grey NMD Gear


Do-everything sneakers you can style up or down. These grey adidas NMD_R1 sneakers will work just as well for gentle workouts as busy weekends.

High performance meets street savvy in adidas grey NMD

Our grey NMD trainers are the business. They follow the modern trend of replacing leather or traditional fabric uppers with an advanced stretchy material that instantly hugs your foot, without feeling even a smidgeon too tight. Like many of our trainers, they take advantage of our Boost technology, which uses thousands of micro-particles to provide impact absorption and return of some of that kinetic energy to your feet, giving a slight spring-back effect that will give you a little lift on each step. You'll find it an enjoyable novelty at first – but you'll really appreciate it when you're trying to get through the wall in the last stages of a tough training session or a close race. They have tough rubber outsoles, so they can take a pounding themselves, and give you good mileage during their lifespan. Lace closures complete their styling with a modern eyelet design that reduces the need for too many finicky lace crossovers.

Enjoy the best of both worlds with adidas NMD shoes in grey

Our grey NMD range isn't just about high performance: they double as effectively as fashionable streetwear. They're equally at home on the training track as they are on the city streets at night. You can think of them as an ultra-comfortable, well-engineered pair of shoes for all-purpose wear – so it's always a good idea to get a couple of pairs to use, to allow you to change after a training session and still enjoy the same sporty comfort when you're relaxing. You can choose from a selection of styles too. If you prefer, you can have your grey in a camo-print pattern, and look out for special editions with unique detailing now and then. Whether you want to train in them or just want to cut a hip figure out on the town, you'll find these grey adidas trainers will be just the ticket.